I cannot believe how time flies! 20 years ago this month, we moved into our home. I always love to tell the story about this house. When I was a teenager I wrote in my journal that I wanted to own a 5 Acre Ranch by the time I was 30 years old. So in November of 1993 I turned 30. My husband Joe and I had been looking for a home for about a year but were not having any luck.

 I found an ad one day in the classified for a home on 5 acres. I rushed out to Lincoln that day and specifically remember driving down what was then a dirt road, came around the corner and saw a huge oak tree with a tree house in it. Our son Jordon was about 5 years old at the time. I itreehousemmediately knew this was our home. I drove up to the home, that was vacant (a bank owned home) and peeked in all the windows, noticed the back door was open… so decided to peek inside. It had a huge kitchen and of course needed a ton of work, but I knew this was our home. I was in love!

Just a few weeks later, I received my real estate license in the mail. So the very first contract I wrote was on our new home.clutter

Hard to believe that 20 years has gone by so fast. 20 Years as a Real Estate Consultant, 20 years in our home. So many memories in this home and soooo much clutter… lol! This picture is of my Home Office aka Junk room!

So my new year’s resolution is Clean out the Clutter! Get rid of clothes that I if I ever fit into them again will be long out of style! Maybe I will even be able to actually park in our garage again someday….

What is YOUR New Year’s Resolution? I would love to hear about it! We can hold each other accountable!

Have a wonderful and prosperous new year’s!


Marguerite Crespillo


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